Dr. Sergii Torba


13. 14th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET-2012), 28-30 august 2012, Kharkiv, Ukraine. Talk “Spectral problems in inhomogeneous media, spectral parameter power series and transmutation operators”.

12. Spectral Theory and Differential Equations (STDE-2012), 20-24 august 2012, Kharkiv, Ukraine. Talk: “Transmutation operators, Darboux transformation and the recursive integrals”.

11. 8 Congreso Internacional de Ingenería, 23-27 abril de 2012, UAQ, Queretaro, Mexico. Ponencia: “Operadores de tranmutación y la transformación de Darboux”.

10. II Encuento conjunto RSME-SMM-2012, 17--20 enero de 2012, Torremolinos, Málaga, España. Ponencia: “Operadores de tranmutación y la transformación de Darboux”.

9. International Conference Waves in Science and Engineering 2011 (WIS&E 2011), 7-11 november 2011, Mexico D.F., Mexico. Talk “Transmutation operators for Darboux transformed equations”.

8. IWOTA-2010, 12–16 July, 2010, Berlin, Germany. Talk “On operator analogue of Jackson inequality”.

7. Operator Theory And Applications: Perspectives And Challenges, 18–28 March, 2010, Jurata, Poland. Talk “An Operator Approach to the Theory of Approximation with Applications to Solving Operator Equations”.

6. Ukrainian Mathematical Congress – 2009, Aug 27–29, Kiev, Ukraine. Talk “On relationship between entire vectors of exponential type and spectral subspaces of nonquasianalytic operators”.

5. “Operator Theory” seminar (chairman: Ja. Zemanek), 20 Jun 2009, IM PAN, Warsaw, Poland. Talk “An operator approach to approximation problems with applications to evolutional equations”.

4. 8th Workshop on Operator Theory in Krein Spaces and Inverse Problems, December 18–21, 2008, Berlin, Germany. Talk “p-Adic Schrödinger-type operator with point interactions”.

3. International Conference “Modern Analysis and Applications”, April 09–14, 2007, Odessa, Ukraine. Talk “Direct Theorems in the Theory of Approximation of the Banach Space Vectors by Entire Vectors of Exponential Type”.

2. 16 Crimean Autumn Mathematical School-Symposium KROMSH–2005, September 17–29, 2005,
Crimea, Ukraine. Talk “Direct and inverse theorems in the theory of approximation of vectors in the Hilbert space by exponential type entire vectors”.

1. 21 International Petrovsky Conference, May 16–22, 2004, Moskow, Russia. Talk “On boundary values of polyharmonic functions”.