Dr. Carlos E. Valencia Oleta

Cinvestav Researcher 3-C
Department of Mathematics

Welcome to my Web Page

"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered. The point is to discover them."

The first thing I can say about me is that I graduated PhD in January 2003, under the direction of Dr. Rafael H. Villarreal. In Mathematics Genealogy Project you can find more information about my academic ancestors.

Currently I am a member of the editorial board of the Carta Informativa of Mexican Mathematical Society.

Herein page you can find some important information about my academic career, my research, some of the papers I have published, and most importantly: a way to contact me.

The easiest way to contact me is through my office:

Departamento de Matemáticas
Av. IPN 2508
Col. San Pedro Zacatenco 07360
México, D.F.

Office: 045
Phone: 01 (55) 5747-3800 ext. 6433
E-mail: cvalencia [@] math.cinvestav.edu.mx

You can also contact me through my secretary:

Adriana Aranda
Phone: 01 (55) 5747-3800 ext. 3846
E-mail: adriana [@] math.cinvestav.edu.mx

Or if you prefer, you can write to the following address:

Departamento de Matemáticas
Apartado Postal 14-740
07000, México, D.F.